
Thursday, September 8, 2022

The method to madness - identifying a career pursuit

Blogging has been a struggle for me. Not so much because I cant keep up, be consistent or have challenges penning things down. Writing is something I love. The struggle has been to arrive at a theme, a style, a context and deciding little but vital aspects - whether to write in first person or second, let it be personal or otherwise, active or passive.

All journeys start with a step, albeit small. Hence, here I begin. Let us see if this survives and thrives. 

Any bloggers out there, please feel free to share your advice, thoughts and feedback. Readers, your are as much welcome to share your feedback and insights. For now, I plan to take it one day at a time, one post at a time. Overthinking may have been the culprit so bear with me as I find balance. 

During a recent 1-1, I was asked to enumerate the attributes and potential functions of how my career journey would look like. For those of you interested, below is the list I came up with. I must say that it was an introspective exercise. Just listing out a quick and dirty list is truly empowering. As they say, knowing what you know and you don't can be a pretty phenomenal start to progress. So, here goes my list:

What do the attributes/functions of my career journey look like? 

My attributes/traits/soft skills (in no particular order):  

  • Individual contributor 
  • Creative, thought provoking, mentally stimulating 
  • Process, Strategy and Planning 
  • Involves continuous learning with growth potential, scalable - Involve writing, documentation 
  • Human Change Management 
  • Risk assessment, planning and management 
  • Involves travel 
  • Coaching (?) - not 100% sure yet as I need to understand more about how Coaching differs from Training Teaching, Training 
  • Interviewing, surveying - assimilating information (peeling the onion) 
  • Articulation of ideas, prepping presentation outlines 
  • Kinesthetic learning - long meetings without movement are a downer

Here's to the first step of a journey. Feel free to leverage the exercise if you find it useful. And do share your thoughts and comments.

Happy Thursday!

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