
Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Today's tidbits

Work hours have changed for the temporary. The work-day now starts off at 6:45 AM and is theoretically expected to go until 4:00 PM. Given the early shift, my day starts at 4:00 AM. Do I like it? Sure. Anyday. Ask me about rising early and I take that very personally. It's a self-improvement challenge for me, a life-long one to wake up early.

Though this appears a one-week stint, I am seriously contemplating about adapting it into my schedule. Start the day early, end the day early. That gives me time to head home early and spend some good time with family. Lets see how this works out.

A gradual feeling of addiction towards blogging is inconspicuously making inroads into my blood stream. I always loved writing. I always loved expressing. Most times in the past when I couldn't express something in public or to the close-ones, I used to pen it down. That gave me an opportunity to chat with myself as I articulated my thoughts on paper, and called for introspection in the process. I wouldn't be honest if I said that blogging replaces my notes completely, but it does go a fair length in satiating my expressive self.

By the way, our personal TV turn-off week fared, well, average. I would give a 6/10. Though I resisted the occassional tantrums my son threw, my wife and I once gave in to watching the last episode of KBC online. Damn, that wasnt even worth messing with our resolution. On the positive side, the turn-off did give us an opportunity to play together and read.

That reminds me, I haven't formally sat down and watched a movie in the last few weeks. Guess thats the power of a thought. Which again reminds me I have been wanting to right a post on two things I was thinking about - intention and action. See, I wasn't wrong when I said I was getting addicted to this stuff.

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