
Friday, April 27, 2007

Click to confess

Surfing through Indiatimes Spirituality, my sight fell on a link that beamed me up. It was a virtual confession box. I have yet to look around if similar sites exist on the net. Personally, I think a virtual confession box is a very very powerful idea.

There is and will always be a side to every individual that even the closest of confidantes wouldnt know. There will be something grueling from the past or something confounding in the present or something a person is apprehensive about for the future. At times, we are just not ready to share our inner conflicts, burdens, feelings, aspirations or something as simple as a thought for the fear of being ridiculed, or laughed at, or judged. I am not saying that these elements may be something despicable or lowly. No. It could be something that we are extremely joyous about. It could be something we are so looking forward to. We want to share it and yet, we may not be ready to share it with someone we know. We need a place, real or virtual, where we can go and be ourselves. Where nobody is watching us except ourselves. Where the fear of being judged, defied, ridiculed, questioned does not exist. A place where we can be ourselves without the anxiety of being rejected.

It may sound like escapism, but it is not. It is that testbed where you train yourself, before you can cross over to the fortitude of proudly accepting yourself as you are - with your follies and your triumphs.

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